Canvas Status

While Canvas maintains roughly a 99.8% uptime, there are times when the service becomes slow, unresponsive, or completely inaccessible. If there is a major outage, the Bryant community will be notified with a Bryant Alert email indicating an issue has been detected and when possible, it will include a description of the error.

To stay up to date regarding Canvas, users can visit Instructure Status to see any global announcements. While global announcements may or may not affect Bryant university, this page will give you the most up to date outages that last longer than 15 minutes.

How to read canvas status page

View Status Icons


On the Status Page, icons are used to describe the current status of Canvas as a whole [1] and specific components within Canvas [2]. These icons will correlate with the following statuses:

  • Operational: component is working as expected [3]
  • Degraded Performance: component is experiencing slowness outside of expected range [4]
  • Partial Outage: component is experiencing extreme slowness with intermittent downtime that typically affects a small subset of users [5]
  • Major Outage: component is no longer functional or experiencing partial outage that affects large number of Canvas users [6]
  • Maintenance: component has been intentionally taken down for major repairs [7]